oops endorsements

“Irreplaceable! The world continues moving into an era of improved understanding for what causes others to think, feel, and act differently than ourselves. Eric’s latest book is an uncharted self-perspective on living with a mental illness. This eye-opening life synopsis puts yourself in Eric’s shoes to experience real life stories of how schizophrenia impacted him and those around him.”

Ryan Eliason, Senior Actuarial Manager

“Very Interesting”

Many people

“I found “Oozing with Oodles of Positive Schizophrenia” a very honest sharing of a difficult topic. Eric Eliason demonstrates a great amount of courage as he shares his experience with this mental disorder without apology. He shares specific examples of how schizophrenia manifested itself through difficult times in his life. This book could be a great help for family members attempting to understand schizophrenia in loved ones.”

Ron Twitchell – Math Ph. D.

I have had a great many severe, schizophrenic experiences over a long period of time. It’s interesting because I’m smart which goes along with it, I remember them well when you are supposed to remember them, and it’s like having more than two brains because you’ve got your consciousness, your made up one, and the union of the two.

“This book shows that schizophrenics are not simply dumb and helps identify a broad spectrum of what it can be. It can help someone identify schizophrenia in themselves or others and rescue that person.” – Paula Empey, reader of original

This book marks a compact description of such experiences that I believe any audience can enjoy.